How to Pass your driving test

By April 13, 2019 Driving tips No Comments

Here are some tips on how to pass your driving test:

(1) Position on the straight

:Drive slightly left of centre unless you have to come out from a hazard.
:When following traffic keep in mind the 2 and 4 second rule.
:Driving on a dual carriageway keep to the left lane unless you are overtaking or avoiding an obstruction.

(2) Position on bends

Approaching a right hand bend keep to the left side of the road this position gives you a view around the bend earlier and it keeps you a safe distance from oncoming cars.
Approaching a left hand bend bring you car gradually to the left as you come around the bend this will keep you a safe distance from oncoming cars.
On approach to a bend or corner decide on the correct gear in advance of the bend so you can take it safely. Its important to keep in mind you could meet a pedestrian on the bend or corner and you may have to stop if there was a car coming in the opposite direction.

(3) Position in traffic lanes

Lane discipline is important so do not drift over lines as it may result in an accident. Scan the road ahead and be aware if the road layout changes and if it does you need to adjust the position of you vehicle. Be aware of road signs,road markings,and road layout.

(4) Position at cross junctions

Turning left at a cross junction keep to the left on approach obey the signs relevant to the junction.
Turning right keep along centre line. Going straight on keep on the left unless road markings or signs says otherwise.

(5) Position at roundabouts

Look at sign on approach. If you exit is after 6 and before 12 it is a left turn.If your exit is after 12 and before 6 it is a right turn if you exit is at 12 it is straight on. Look out also for directional arrows on the road and comply with them.
Going left or straight on keep to left lane. Going right approach in right hand lane and keep close to the roundabout.

(6) Position stopping

Keep a safe distance from the car on front be able to see the back wheels of the vehicle on front of you.
Stopping at junctions stop at the first line if there is no line stop at the sign.
Do not block an entrance and do not pull in stop or park where to do so would be an offence.

(7) Observation moving off from the left side of the road

Prepare the car for moving off and do the following checks.
Check your centre and left mirror and glance over you left shoulder, check your centre and right mirror and glance over right shoulder signal right if safe, check right once more look ahead of you and go if safe. Do not leave a gap between looking and moving off.

(8) Observation changing lane

Check centre and relevant side mirror and blind spot,
checking your blind spot while the car is moving differs from checking your blind spot while stationary. Do not look back while driving forward look to you side mirror and side window.

(9) Observation at roundabouts

Glance to you right and look to your direction of travel several times. If you do it in that manner you will be aware of traffic coming from your right and you will also be aware of what traffic on front of you is doing. Do not do prolonged looks to the right.

(10) Reaction to hazards

There is two types of hazards (static hazards eg a ramp and moving hazards)
A Hazard is anything that will cause you to alter your speed or change course. Its important also that you do not become a hazard.
To deal with a hazard you will have to do one or more of the following things.

(11) Mirrors

Check your centre mirror before you increase or decrease speed. Along the way approx every 10 seconds if you are going to ease in and out from objects check centre and relevant side mirror.Approaching junctions and roundabouts and leaving roundabouts.

(12) Pedestrians

If a pedestrian is crossing the road give way to them . Do not beckon at a pedestrian to cross on front of you. Pay particular attention to pedestrian activity at zebra crossings. When moving off in traffic look to the passenger window and the drivers window to ensure no pedestrian is walking from your left or right hand side.

(13) Cyclist

Give at least one metre space between your car and the cyclist in a built up area. Give at least one and a half metres in a rural area . When waiting to pass a cyclist choose the correct gear for the situation and do not get to close while waiting stay back at least 3 car lengths for safety reasons

(14) Parked cars

Passing parked cars leave a door width in space so if someone opens the door you wont hit it.
If it is not possible to leave a door width drive at a reduced speed so you will be able to stop if necessary

(15) Signals

Give the correct signals in good time and when appropriate . Cancel signal promptly.
You must be able to evaluate whether it is appropriate to signal or not.

(16) Progress

You must develop a natural flow on your driving. You must drive in a progressive manor keep with the flow of traffic and respect the speed limit.

(16) Foot controls and gears

Use foot controls smoothly no jerking and stalling gear changing should be smooth going up and down the gears.

(17) The turnabout and reverse around the corner

The learner needs training on how to do the two manoeuvres properly.
The two manoeuvres need practice on a regular basis to be able to do the competently.